About the customer

Green Power is an organization dedicated to education in the field of renewable energy. Every month this company conducts a course of lectures and talks about it on the landing page and on social networks. The next course is dedicated to the energy of sunlight and wind energy.

Target Audience

Demographic characteristics:

Young people, 20-35 years old;

Gender: 53% female, 47% male;

Income: average and above average;

Occupation: graduates, young and experienced specialists, representatives of intellectual professions in all their manifestations.

Psychological signs:

Interested in a healthy lifestyle and ecology;

Values: health, ecology, as well as intellectual and spiritual development.

Behavioral signs:

With an active lifestyle and a desire to change the world for the better;

They like to spend time both at home, reading books/articles and so on, and traveling, expanding their horizons.

Geographical features:

The majority are residents of large cities and towns under regional jurisdiction. The major ones include: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Petrozavodsk.

The task and wishes of the customer